Sunday, January 29, 2012

Fancy Scrambled Eggs

Eggs. If you're keeping starch free, eggs become a very versatile part of your diet. On weekend mornings, we usually stick to some variation of eggs (whether they're scrambled, fried or in omelet form) along with a fresh fruit and maybe some bacon. Almost all berries and melons can be counted on to be starch free, so we eat those breakfast fruits most often.

One of the things that's nice about scrambled eggs (omelets too) is that you can use whatever you have on hand as the extras. I usually throw in some chopped green onions, either fresh cilantro or basil, deli ham if we have it and some cheese at the end. I'm including some different flavor combinations after the recipe for you to try out. (The scrambled eggs pictured were made with green onions, cilantro and white cheddar cheese.)

4-6 eggs
salt and pepper
cream or whole milk
herbs, cheeses, etc. 

For 2 people, crack 4 (or 6 if you're really hungry!) large eggs into a bowl, add a pinch of salt and pepper, a splash of cream/whole milk and any herbs or extras you're using. I usually don't add my cheese until the end, but you can mix it in the bowl before you cook the eggs, if you like.

Put a small saucepan (don't use stainless steel for eggs, they'll stick) over low heat and add a tablespoon or two of butter. Let it melt until it gets frothy, then pour the eggs into the pan and stir them slowly. I use a silicone spatula to stir the eggs because it lets me scrape everything from the sides of the pan, so none of the eggs stick.

Your eggs are done then they're silky and looking slightly underdone. They still cook themselves after you put them on your plate, so you want to remove them from the pan before they look completely cooked or they'll actually overcook and get leathery. Once on your plate, grate the cheese of your choice on top of the eggs.

-- deli ham and cheddar
-- green onions, cilantro and white cheddar
-- basil, 1/2 tomato (chopped & drained) and swiss
-- bacon (previously cooked and crumbled) and your choice of cheese
-- cilantro, monterey jack and home made salsa (These should be added after the eggs are done. And we use home made salsa because store bought salsas usually test starchy.)
-- sauteed onions, basil and swiss

I'm sure there are a million more.  What are your favorites?

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